Meet . . .


they/he + any neos. minor. artist. gay/asexual. intj. taurus. ftm. no.1 tomura fan.
eng. irl zombie.


< likes 3
moray eels, tomura shigaraki/tenko shimura, mha, wham!, tv girl, miniature tigers, crk, pokemon, gyutaro shabana, ocxcc, opal, shop (a pop opera)

Before you follow Please be aware that I am not spoiler free. I do block freely. My dms are always open unless stated otherwise. I tend to not interact with other tomura fans. It is a very rare occasion when I will. I can have really awful mood swings. Please don’t assume i dislike you, I cannot control these. I don’t share my f/os. Please don’t talk about them romantically with me.

Musicians . . . miniature tigers, dazey and the scouts, radiohead, george michael, the cardigans, tv girl, mitski, faye webster, leslie gore, jack stauber, COLTEMONHIKA, pacifico, that handsome devil.

F/Os !!

tomura shigaraki, gladion (pkmn smusum), kel (omori), toge inumaki, natsuo todoroki, tetsutetsu tetsutetsu, kokichi muta, silver (TWST), hirofumi yoshida, katsuya serizawa, gyutaro shabana, robbie valentino.


touya : best ever, mar, ava, kitat, kurro, andy, scout, worm, kiira, nilla, rika, lupin, tyson, jamie, sunny, dani ! ٩( ᐛ )و


obanai iguro, shoya ishida, hitoshi shinso, tamaki amajiki, coin (pkmnla), nobara kugisaki, qiqi, angel devil, zelda, expresso cookie, shigeo kageyama, brassius (pkmnsv), tomioka giyu, kyoka jiro

which ones are my artisanal friends ? what’s an artisanal me ?

Do not interact if dsmp fan or supporter kotaro shimura fan, ocxtomura, basic dni, <13/21<, proshipper, boyfriends (webtoon) fan, forces religion, endeavor/enji todoroki fan, slur discourse participater, flag discourse participater, annoying xenogender/neopronouns anti, tiktok people who use the term autistic to be 'quirky'. please do not discuss tenko/tomura ships with me if the characters are not my oc (qian yao/stein), especially if these characters are mirko, dabi/touya or aizawa.

i could have oatmeal for dinner as well at the sound of a bell !


competing when it comes to my f/os or romantic talk abt them, criticizing my ocs without being asked to do so, constant fatherless jokes, pedophilic jokes, sending nsfw unnanounced in dms, sexualizing minor ocs, calling me obsessive, making sexual jokes about me, flirting with me, talking about alcohol outside of a fictional context


asking to be mutuals or for my socials, dming me, making fanart (i love...), asking for art trades, asking to talk about ocs or ships, showing me your art, talking to me about your interests/f/os/favorite music


insults/kys jokes, making fun of my f/os, asking for calls, sexualizing my ocs (unless stated otherwise), asking to ship ocs or make family members, venting in dms (with permission)

This is for Touya, the greatest ever ! Touya, Touya ! My bestest friend ! Please appreciate him always and forever ! Hold him dear to your heart !Daily Thought: I’m sorry for not writing, but my mind has been so jumbled ! But please know, i am ALWAYS thinking of you.

Touyaaa !!! You’re the greatest, you really are. It feels so hard to talk to people sometimes, but you always swoop in and save me ! I feel so alone, but you’re there ! Everything about you makes me smile soo hard ! I want you to always know how much i care about you, always and forever. Even if I suck at showing it or properly using my words, please know I’ll always care. I’d give you the world if I could. My little brother irl !!!Please never forget how incredible you are. Things happen, people leave. But never let that change you. You’re wonderful as you and nobody should ever make that change. I know there are times when we don’t talk. I know there are times that I’m distant. But that never means I’ve stopped caring for you.

there’s something heavy weighing on my teeth. what’s my deal ? i’m just so glad that you’re real !